How can I donate money to the project?

Since February 2022, you are invited to fund the Orthanc project through its Open Collective page. The funds collected there will help us maintain Orthanc, release new features and answer questions on the Orthanc Users Group.

If you are a commercial company that builds upon the Orthanc ecosystem for your own products, you may also contribute by buying the professional services offered by our community. Doing so creates a healthy ecosystem around the project where companies are encouraged to contribute their resources to improve the project to create a larger pool of potential customers wanting their services. A list of freelancers is available in this Orthanc Book.

If you are part of a research team, you are invited to involve Sébastien Jodogne’s research lab at the UCLouvain university in your scientific publications and in your research projects. The typical subjects of interest of this research lab are artificial intelligence, medical interoperability and vizualization techniques applied to bioimaging.

We appreciate positive feedback on our project as well. If you are on Twitter, send us a tweet to @OrthancServer. That helps raise awareness of our project so others can benefit from it as well.

Finally, don’t forget to have a look other ways to contribute to the Orthanc project.