Finding samples for the REST API

Deprecated APIs

You will find below code snippets for APIs that have been deprecated over the releases of Orthanc. They are reproduced here for backward compatibility and should not be used in new developments.

C-Find SCU (Deprecated)

  1. Retrieve the PatientID:

    $ curl http://localhost:8042/modalities/pacs/find-patient -X POST -d '{"PatientName":"JOD*","PatientSex":"M"}'
  2. Retrieve the studies of this patient (using the “PatientID” returned from Step 1):

    $ curl http://localhost:8042/modalities/pacs/find-study -X POST -d '{"PatientID":"0555643F"}'
  3. Retrieve the series of one study (using the “PatientID” from Step 1, and the “StudyInstanceUID” from Step 2):

    $ curl http://localhost:8042/modalities/pacs/find-series -X POST -d '{"PatientID":"0555643F","StudyInstanceUID":"1.2.840.113704.1.111.276

You will have to define the modality “pacs” in the configuration file of Orthanc (under the section DicomModalities).

Note: This API has been superseded by the /modalities/.../query URI. Please check the test_rest_query_retrieve integration test.

Using Orthanc to Ease WADO Querying (Deprecated)

As of Orthanc 0.6.1, it will be possible to use Orthanc to easily gather the three identifiers that are required to run a WADO query against a remote modality (without storing the files inside Orthanc). These identifiers are:

  • StudyInstanceUID (0020,000d),

  • SeriesInstanceUID (0020,000e),

  • ObjectUID, that exactly corresponds to the SOPInstanceUID tag (0008,0018) (cf. the WADO specification, Section 8.1.4).

The trick consists in using the experimental C-Find SCU API, going down to the instance level:

$ curl http://localhost:8042/modalities/pacs/find-patient -X POST -d '{"PatientName":"JOD*","PatientSex":"M"}'
$ curl http://localhost:8042/modalities/pacs/find-study -X POST -d '{"PatientID":"0555643F"}'
$ curl http://localhost:8042/modalities/pacs/find-series -X POST -d '{"PatientID":"0555643F","StudyInstanceUID":"1.2.840.113704.1.111.2768.1239195678.57"}'
$ curl http://localhost:8042/modalities/pacs/find-instance -X POST -d '{"PatientID":"0555643F","StudyInstanceUID":"1.2.840.113704.1.111.2768.1239195678.57","SeriesInstanceUID":""}'

The first three steps are described in this other FAQ entry. The fourth step retrieves the list of the instances of the series. The latter query was not possible until Orthanc 0.6.1. As a result of this sequence of four commands, the StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID and SOPInstanceUID are readily available for each instance of the series.

Note: This API has been superseded by the /modalities/.../query URI. Please check the test_rest_query_retrieve integration test.